What CAN you recycle? – Lots of products!
As you can see in “Plastic Recycling Doesn’t Work and Will Never Work” on our “Why It Matters” page under “Truth about Recycling”, the single-use plastic recycling system does not work effectively. In some locations, single-use plastic recycling is more effective than others.
Check out your waste management company and follow their guidance. The best way, of course, is to keep reducing your use of single-use plastic! ♼
The good news is that many products can be recycled or reused effectively – clothing, construction materials, automotive waste, paper, electronics, and more. For example, clothing can be donated and reused or the fabric turned into other items.
Some companies, like Patagonia, accept their own clothing back, and other stores have bins to collect clothing and accessories of any brand.
For information on how to recycle and where to recycle items in your community visit www.Earth911.com. You can even “chat” online with an expert to find how and where to recycle.
What you can do?
· Reduce your use of single-use plastic!
· If you can recycle do so following your waste management company’s guidance
· Recycle and reuse your other products
· Visit www.earth911.com for more information.