End Plastic Soup

The work of End Plastic Soup extends to some of the most heavily polluted parts of the world.  Plastic is a pressing environmental and health crisis with very serious implications, leaving many people feeling discouraged and hopeless.  End Plastic Soup creates great hope for change.  We are working to transform this challenge into a beacon of hope, of connection and collaboration, and to have a profound impact. 

In presenting the End Plastic Soup initiative to Rotarians and others around the world, we ask attendees to ponder one simple question:  How will you show up for your grandchildren? It seems to have struck a chord! Due to our actions and those of the generations before us, the impacts of plastic pollution have reached critical levels.  End Plastic Soup Rotarians and we McSisters are commited to transforming this legacy into one of hope and action.

Exciting times ahead for McSister Barbara. . . My wonderful supportive husband, David Doht, and I are heading to Singapore for the Rotary International Convention.  I’m honored to be representing our local Rotary Club of Windsor.  And I’m especially excited to be co-presenting the End Plastic Soup initiative with Melanie Lewis of Sydney, Australia and assisting with the End Plastic Soup booth at the convention.

What is End Plastic Soup?  It is a Rotary-created global environmental initiativesupported by thousands of Rotarians worldwide with a goal to stop the creation of “plastic soup” in the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, forests, parks and streets by 2050.  Rotarians worldwide have joined together to solve and prevent plastic pollution throughout the full cycle of plastic.  This initiative was created by Rotarians in the Netherlands who say:  “You can start today” and that is exactly what we can all do.

What can you do?


How is End Plastic Soup working to achieve this monumental goal? Through step-by-step actions to “Think Global and Act Local”.  Our projects focus on clean ups, waste management, upcycling, education, creation of barriers to prevent plastic from entering the ocean, advocacy for change, and awareness.  We support projects and advocacy work of young ambassadors, who are young people in many countries committed to cleaning up the mess they have inherited and creating a better world going forward.


Plastic Free July


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