Try a new plastic free product today!

It’s a bit daunting and discouraging to learn as we did in our coffee cup blog that we in the United States dispose of 50 billion coffee cups a year – wow! The good news is that we also keep learning about more organizations and people committed to reducing the use of single-use plastic. 

U.S. PIRG (Public Interest Research Group) Education Fund published a newsletter just last week that highlighted businesses that minimize the use of single-use plastic packaging including providing refill options, container returns, and plastic free products, like shampoo, detergent, deodorant, sunscreen, and more.  To learn more, see their report here:

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has issued a report offering a roadmap to governments and businesses, with strategies to cuts levels of plastic pollution by 80% in less than two decades.  Among the strategies:  discontinuing fossil fuel subsidies that help make new plastic products cheaper, refillable bottles with effective deposit programs, and plastic take-back programs, increasing recycling, and shifting to alternative packaging materials that are compostable.  Read more here:

And there are so many businesses making everyday household products without plastic: 

One favorite is Meliora Cleaning Products – soap sticks, laundry powder, all-purpose cleaning spray, and more – made with safer ingredients.

I’m excited to try another bar shampoo brand:  /kit-sch/.  They sell bar shampoo, conditioner, body soap, and more.  And they sell a cool looking dish to hold the bars with labels to help you tell the bars apart!

There is so much bad news about the impact of plastics on our world, but we can make a difference one reusable cup, shampoo bar, or powder soap at a time!

What can you do:

  • Try a new plastic free product. If you need ideas, please contact McSisters.

  • Keep using those reusable containers


End Plastic Soup


What will it take to stop the disposable coffee cup addiction?