We McSisters think shopping is one area that seems so easy to get away from single-use plastic. When shopping, you can bring your own bags for produce and for carrying your purchases home – it’s that simple.
Looking for products that contain the least amount of plastic is another easy solution. We will share many more strategies in our blogs.
Of course, this is an area ripe for advocacy – how to get your grocery store or restaurant to provide alternatives, or your favorite online store to quit shipping with unnecessary plastic packaging!.
It’s a bit daunting and discouraging to learn as we did in our coffee cup blog that we in the United States dispose of 50 billion coffee cups a year – wow!
I started Zero Waste Outlet in 2019, as a small family business.
With Julie Andrews singing Rodgers and Hammerstein’s song “My Favorite Things” inspiring us, we McSisters have made a list of our favorite plastic free things.
The McSisters are taking this message directly from one of our supporters – Beyond Plastics (
Sometimes it may feel like you are being told what to do on just about any topic – don't eat this, don’t say that, and don’t use single-use plastic. It may seem impossible to live up to all the demands, but don’t worry, we McSisters feel that way too sometimes.
As Plastic Free July continues, we McSisters want to introduce you to Kim Neal, founder and owner of Sonoma County Trading Company and Refillery.
Ok, sometimes we McSister’s just don’t get it and just want to scream! Is it SO difficult to make the simple choice to say no to single-use plastic?
A subscriber recently shared an article titled “How to celebrate birthdays plastic free”. You may remember our previous blog titled “Throw a party but don’t invite the plastic”. We do love to party and summer fun and parties are coming soon so this is a perfect time to revisit the topic of parties and plastic.
How do you grocery shop without single-use plastic bags and avoid other single-use plastics?