Recycle – should we, or shouldn't we?
We McSisters have been very conscientious over the years about recycling plastic – all the yogurt cups, water bottles, liquid clothes detergent, dish soap, juice containers – thinking we were doing a good thing for the environment.
What CAN you recycle? – Lots of products!
In some locations, single-use plastic recycling is more effective than others. Check out your waste management company and follow their guidance. The best way, of course, is to keep reducing your use of single-use plastic!
Spring cleaning-what to do with your used clothing?
You may be wondering what you can do with all those clothes and shoes you no longer need or use and especially those that are not in good shape.
Plastic Recycling doesn’t work and will never work
We learned about Judith Enck through our plastic networking with friends. Judith is a highly dedicated professional and advocate with a long, distinguished career in environmental protection issues. She was the Regional Administrator at the US Environmental Protection Agency appointed by President Obama and served as Deputy Secretary for the Environment in the New York Governor’s office.